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The Gully Guard™ is an environmentally friendly silt trap; an inexpensive, low maintenance and reusable engineered solution that assists in the prevention of blocked gullies, surface flooding and watercourse contamination due to silting and debris build-up. Additionally improving the discharge water quality by attracting and retaining chemical content such as hydrocarbons, heavy metals, de-icing agents and other chemicals typically found in surface run-off

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Forest Groups specialist EPS medium

Collectively used to retain and trap sediment. When contaminated water flows between the EPS medium this becomes an effective filter for urban stormwater run off

Through a process of armouring the EPS medium attracts and captures water soluble chemicals such as Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons, Heavy metals, Deicing agents, Nitrates and Phosphates

Gully Guard™, simple and easy to use

Gully Guard™ is a quick and easy to install filtration cartridge that’s easy to maintain. An effective silt trap for use within gully pots and other water transport systems such as manhole chambers and channel drainage systems

Made from 100% Recycled materials

Cost effective and simple contamination prevention

Designed for high volumes of water, and storm events, capturing 98% of sediment, and 97% of PAH Compounds. Tested to perform in flows exceeding a 500 year storm event, considerably reducing any flood risk

Independently tested by the University of Sheffield

The Gully Guard™ is an environmentally friendly silt trap; an inexpensive, low maintenance and reusable engineered solution that assists in the prevention of blocked gullies, surface flooding and watercourse contamination due to silting and debris build-up. Additionally improving the discharge water quality by attracting and retaining chemical content such as hydrocarbons, heavy metals, de-icing agents and other chemicals typically found in surface run-off


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